Well, we're supposed to be getting a couple inches of snow tonight. After
yesterday's fiasco I hope that people will drive with some sense. But I doubt it. At least this time it's supposed to snow overnight so maybe folks won't even try going to work in the morning. Unfortunately I'm stuck working tonight after a normal workday so I'll get to drive home in the stuff come morning. Whoo hoo!
WRAL's website has some neat, and not-so-neat, photos of all the fun folks were having yesterday. The link is on the front page beside the weather map. Just look for the cute snowflake. Yeah, I said cute snowflake.
Update: Well, turns out we didn't get much snow. I saw a little bit when I left work at 3am. So North Raleigh got some but Durham didn't get any. Guess it's time to treat the snow forecasts like we used to in Boone. If the media say snow, no snow. But in Boone, trust
Ray Russell who is not only an amateur meteorologist, but a professor at
Appalachian State University. Go Mountaineers!