April 19, 2005

Thanks, Sam.

Carolina Panthers linebacker coach Sam Mills died yesterday due to intestinal cancer. I can remember watching him play and wondering how such a small guy could have such a big impact on the field. The people that really knew him had nothing but love for him. Once he finished his playing career he became the Panthers' linebacker coach and helped to make us one of the top defenses in the league. I know his family is mourning his death as well as celebrating his life and I'm sure they know that the whole Panther family is with them.

So long, Sam, and thanks.

Sam Mills 6/3/1959 - 4/18/2005

April 18, 2005

What is Sport

I had a brief conversation with a young woman yesterday regarding the nature of sport. We were standing around watching several members of our church's youth group playing basketball and she mentioned that she disliked basketball, well I think hate was the term she used. I asked her what sports she did like. Her response, after going through the big 4 (basketball, football, hockey, and baseball), was that she liked gymnastics.

I have decided that a better definition of sport needs to be put forth. It is my contention that sports are a subset of the activites known as athletic competitions. In my mind, to be a sport the activity requires direct competition. One on one or team vs team, direct competition is really about beating the other side, not besting a time or a score. I also contend that physical and mental conditioning are a requirement for a sport.

In this category I'd include Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Football, Swimming (not diving), Tennis, Racing (both automotive and foot). I have to disqualify gymnastics, downhill skiing, golf, figure skating, the field portion of track-and-field, and diving. I'm not trying to disparage these athletic competitions nor the athletes I'm just trying to get a real difinition of sport.