September 21, 2005

Cut The Pork

The new transportation bill is loaded with pet projects from Senators and Representatives who enjoy wasting taxpayer money. I have written the following to my Representative asking what pork he is willing to cut from our district.

Congressman Price,

In the recently passed TEA-LU bill there were several earmarks for this district. While I appreciate your efforts to help fund necessary projects for our area, I wonder if this is the proper use of some of those funds. I am interested to know which of the 7 earmarks you would be willing to return in order that those funds could be used to finance recovery efforts for Katrina.
If you are not already aware of it, there is a website - - that is tracking the commitments of Congressional representatives to cut unecessary spending from this bill. I look forward to adding your name with pride as you affirm a commitment to responsible government spending.

Rob Moffett
4th District Voter